My Top 5 personal favourite food pokemon

vx3 5.Vanillite,Vanillish and Vanilluxe

Food based on: What the hell do you think!

Found more pokemon jokes L.O.L

imagesCXRFFHW4 imagesUJ06PH1Y pymj2 pymj3 pymj1 PJ1

Best pokemon Yo Mama joke of all time!


Whitch type is best. Vote :)

fp       V.SimagesF1V0N2F0                         FIRE                                                                                        WATER                                    COLOUR

Which one is not a pokemon.

m m m gp m np1 m Which one is not a pokemon. Picture A (Left), Picture B (Middle) or Picture C. Guess Right for a shoutout and a mystery prize if you can tell me what the non pokemon is. Anyway bye for now.

cu1 For this post  I’ll be doing a competition. Whoever can guess which pokemon this is a close up of will win a shout out  in my next post. I hope you enjoyed this one.Anyway bye for now.

Top 5 weirdest pokemon products

pkmn bra pkmn instant noodles images1W016C36 pkmn n spngbob plate pkmn pasta shapes pkmn swim shorts This week I have decided to do a countdown on the top 5 weirdest pokemon products so I hope you enjoy. Anyway bye for now.

5. Pokémon Swimming trunks.

4. Pokémon Instant noodles.

3.Pokemon Spaghetti shapes.

2.Pokemon Bra.

1.Pokemon and SpongeBob crossover plate.

Top 5 pokemon that need an evolution

floatsal imagesE56CKYF0 s e i Solirock Sharkpedo I have scoured the internet and picked five of my favourite. Keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and I could not find images for some of my first choices but I hope you like this list anyway.

5. Sharkpedo

4. Floatzel

3. Solrock

2. Cofagrigus

1. Shuckle

I hope you liked this list on pokemon that I think need an evolution. Anyway bye for now.



l This is something new I’m trying. I chose a random three digit number and got all the pokemon with that number as it’s pokedex number. You choose one of the four pokemon above and the winner will move on. I will be doing ten of these and the winners will move on to round two. To vote, mention your chosen pokemon in the comment section below. I hope you liked this new idea. Anyway bye for now.

Pokemon Fossils (Part 1)

fossil Fossils have made a big difference in the pokemon games and in this part I will be talking about fossil locations. Fossils are usually found in a lab of some sort or in an area only accessible by using moves such as dive, cut, rock smash and dig. The fossils you get through normal gameplay usually are one of two choices. Sorry this is a bit short but this is just catching up on the missed posts. I hope you liked this post. Anyway bye for now.